Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Norm Discipline Cards Part 2

Today I'll be covering the special cards for the Norm discipline of which there are quite a few.

Special Cards

- Name: Mass produce
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 4 Norm
Ability: Ability Bosswell
When you use this card you can choose one creature or item that you control that has a total energy cost of 2 or less. You can search your deck for up to two copies of that creature or item and play them on your field. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Flavor Text: Sometimes quantity is better than quality.

- Name: Reverse Engineer
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 2 Norm, X Norm
Ability:  Ability Bosswell
When you use this card choose any item card in play. Pay norm energy that equals the items total energy cost (so that includes non norm energy) then create a token of that item that acts for all purposes like that item but is of the Norm Discipline on your side of the field.
Flavor Text: Why reinvent something that has already been made?

- Name: Imitation
Type: Special (tech)
Cost: X Norm
Ability:  Ability Bosswell
When you use this card select one creature in play. Pay a norm energy cost equal to the selected creatures total energy cost dived by 2. Make a token of that creature that has half as much strength and HP(round down) and does not have that creatures abilities.
Flavor Text: My versions may be weaker but are much easier to make.

- Name: Robot Conversion
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 4 Norm
Ability: Ability Tinker Sara
When you use this card select one item you control. This item becomes a item creatures whose strength is equal to half of its original total energy cost. (round down, minimum 1).
Flavor Text: What do you mean it shouldn't be a robot?

- Name: Mecha Conversion
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 5 Norm
Ability: Ability Tinker Sara
When you use this card select one item creature you control. This item creature becomes a gear card that can only be equipped by Tinker Sara with the following effect: Tinker Sara gains strength equal to half of the original creatures strength and gains HP equal to half of the original creatures current HP.
Flavor Text: Hmm perhaps I've over engineered the toaster a bit.

- Name: Robotize
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 4 Norm
Ability: Ability Tinker Sara
When you use this card select one creature you control. Change this creature into a item creature, increases its strength by 1 and increases its HP by 4
Flavor Text: This might hurt a moment but when I'm done you'll be even better.

- Name: Mental Focus
Type: Special (Mental)
Cost: 2 Norm
Ability: Draw a Card
Flavor Text:  Focus your mind.

- Name: Equalizer
Type: Special (Magic)
Cost: 6 Norm
Ability: All cards on the field are treated as norm discipline and their special abilities are nullified for one turn.
Flavor Text: Everything seems kinda a grey now.

- Name: Mental Block
Type: Special (mental)
Cost: 6 Norm
Ability: The opposing player can not untap their figments on their next turn.
Flavor Text: Mental error. can not find brain.exe. please reboot.

- Name: Recycle
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 2 Norm
Ability: Choose one item or item creature from your graveyard and remove it from play. You gain norm energy equal to its converted energy cost.
Flavor Text: Waste not, want not is what I always say.

- Name: Rushed production
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 2 Norm
Ability: The next item card you play only costs half as much energy. However the items Hp is halved. If the item is a item creature its strength is also halved.
Flavor Text: We need these weapons on the double!

- Name: Factory Default
Type: Special (Tech)
Cost: 3 Norm
Ability: Heal one item or item creature to full but remove all alteration, or equip cards on that card. If it is a item creature it is treated as having summoning sickness again.
Flavor Text:  One nice thing about working with machines is if they start getting too buggy you can reset them.

Tomorrow I'll finish off the Norm Discipline cards which include their figment, and item cards.

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