Friday, August 15, 2014

Image Card Game Card Types

Today I'm going to cover the varying type's of cards I plan on including in the game starting with the card Disciplines. There are six primary disciplines that each card regardless of it's actual type are separated into as follows. 

Norm - The norm discipline is the basis of every other discipline even if it's to deliberately twist it or throw it out entirely. Norm for the most part represents those that prefer to use logic or thing's that already exit rather than making things up for themselves. This discipline use's real world creatures and items for the most part instead of making up their own. With all that said Norm isn't completely devoid of imagination or whimsy.

Rage - The Rage discipline's main focus is damage, lots of damage, usually with little regard to what happens to the one doing that damage. Rage for the most part represent's those with very high strung emotions that tend to prefer to act or react immediately rather than thinking about whether they should. This discipline tend's to favor fast, explosive creatures or large creatures that just flatten things. The last notable thing about the rage discipline is that they tend to favor explosions, the bigger the better.

Light - The Light discipline's main focus is healing, buffing and supporting each other. Light for the most part represents those that have what we would think of as positive feelings or virtues, such as kindness, compassion or honor however those same virtues tend to make it difficult for the Light discipline to do any real damage. This discipline's creatures tend to have high HP compared to their strength and usually favor abilities that let them help other cards on the field. As a final note while they do find it hard to do lot's of damage they can usually stick around long enough for that damage to accumulate so don't underestimate them.

Dark - The Dark discipline's main focus is card destruction, debuffing and trying to scare the heck out of their opponent. Dark for the most part represents those with negative feelings or what we would think of as negative flaws, such as enjoying causing fear, depression, or enjoying causing pain. This disciplines creatures tend to either be really small and cheap but easy to swarm with or large and expensive and be extremely annoying to kill and way too good at killing things. As a final note while the Dark discipline is for the most part not a nice discipline not all of those of this discipline are bad or evil people.

Lol - The Lol discipline's main focus is being really random and hard to predict. Lol for the most part represents those that for one reason or another do not really take anything seriously or can only touch base reality if they used a really really long pole. This disciplines creatures tend to vary a lot in strengths and special abilities but the one mostly common thing among them is that they tend to have random effects. As a final note while Lol is silly and random they can sometimes focus enough to make you wish you hadn't brought them out of their normal frame of mind.

Tricky - The tricky discipline's main focus is being well...tricky, underhanded, and playing mind games with their opponent. Tricky for the most part represents those that like to trick people or hide their actions. This disciplines creatures tend to be rather weak compared to the other disciplines but also usually have ways to mitigate or completely ignore damage usually by moving to somewhere safer. As a final note tricky has similar problems to light in that they tend to not have much killing power but they can sneak damage in when your least expecting it.

Note: The discipline name's are not set in stone and are mostly place holder names for now in till I can think of something better for them.

With that wall of text describing the disciplines out of the way we can move on the actual card types.

Player - This card represents your avatar in this battle and if it's HP is dropped to zero or less you automatically lose. Otherwise this card acts exactly like a creature card.

Creature - These cards represent living or at least animated monsters, animals, etc. Most creatures when first played are disoriented and cannot move or attack on the turn they are played. After the disorientation fades creature cards can move once per turn and make attacks. When a creatures HP is lowered to zero or less they are sent to the graveyard.

Item - These cards represent...items. Items do not suffer from disorientation but they also cannot move or attack, however they can still use the defend action if they are attacked. As with creatures when an items HP is lowered to zero or below they are sent to the graveyard.

Special (Type) - These cards represent special actions that the player can take. The (Type) refers to whether the special is physical, magic, tech, mental or other. Those types usually have no effect on the actual special itself but determines what cards can counter or modify them. Special cards can only be used on your own turn and cannot be used in reaction to another effect. After being used special cards are sent to the graveyard.

Surprise (Type) - These cards represent special actions the player can take very similar to special but with one main difference. Surprise cards can be used on either players turn and can be played as a reaction to another effect.

Alteration (Type) - These act much like special cards but instead of being used once then sent to the graveyard they are attached to a creature,item or player and stay in play in till removed or the thing they are attached to is sent to the graveyard.

Global (Type) - These act basically like alteration cards except you can only have one on the field at a time and you do not attach them to anything instead placing them in your global space. However most global cards are a double edged sword as they usually equally effect both players at the same time.

Figment - Figment cards are cards that represent partial ideas and can only ever be played as figments. However unlike every other card when played as a figment these cards usually have an additional effect beyond producing energy.

Next I'll be covering  item card sub types. Item card sub types work much like the parent type but usually have a few noticeable differences.

Item Creature- Item Creatures act exactly like normal creatures but can also be targeted by special or surprise cards that affect items.

Trap - Trap cards can be played face down and as long as they are face down they can move just like a creature can. Trap cards usually have an effect that activates when they are attacked face down or when they first flip up. You can flip trap cards up any time you could use a surprise card.

Gear - Gear cards act like alteration cards but are items instead. Also when the card the gear card is sent to the graveyard the gear card stays in the space the card it was equipped to was in. In addition when a creature or player moves into a space with a gear card they can choose to equip that card.

Tomorrow I'll be seeing about posting about the standard special abilities creature and item cards can have. 

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