Monday, September 1, 2014

Light Discipline Cards Part 3

Today I'll be covering the last of the Light Discipline Cards

Surprise Cards

- Name: Grand Shield
Type: Surprise (Physical)
Cost: 3 Light, 1 Norm
Ability: Ability Joan
When you use this card prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn to all creatures, items and players in play.
Flavor Text: None Shall Pass!

- Name: Prevent Death
Type: Surprise (Magic)
Cost: 3 Light
Ability: Prevent one death effect.
Flavor Text: Not today reaper.

- Name: Get back up
Type: Surprise (Physical)
Cost: 3 Light, 1 Norm
Ability: Prevent one creature from dying and return them at 1 HP
Flavor Text: I'm not done yet.

- Name: Intervention
Type: Surprise (Magic)
Cost: 4 Light
Ability: Prevent damage to one creature in till end of that phase.
Flavor Text: I'll not let you strike him!

- Name: Not yet
Type: Surprise (Mental)
Cost: 5 Light
Ability:  Ability Joan
You can use this card when Joan's HP would be reduced to or below 0. Set Joan's HP to 1.
Flavor Text: I will not let it end here!

Global Cards

- Name: Death Barrier
Type: Global
Cost: 5 Light
Ability: As long as this card is on the field creatures cannot be the target of death effects (can still be killed via damage though) Note: This means you can't sacrifice creatures either.
Flavor Text: Life is precious and should be protected.

Item Cards

- Name: Healing Salve
Type: Item
Cost: 2 Light, 1 Norm
Ability:This item starts with 3 salve tokens. Each time you remove a salve token you can heal one creature by 2 HP.
Strength: 0
Hp: 3
Flavor Text: It smells terrible but it does help seal up wounds almost instantly.

Gear Cards

- Name: Covering Shield
Type: Gear
Cost: 3 Light, 2 Norm
Ability: Improves the equipped creatures HP by 4 and gives them the cover ability if they didn't already have it.
Strength: 0
HP: 4
Flavor Text: Stand behind me.

- Name: Banner of Courage
Type: Gear
Cost: 3 light, 1 Norm
Ability: Grants the equipped creature the fearless ability. This creature and adjacent creatures gain 1 strength.
Strength: 0
HP: 4
Flavor Text: Just looking at it fills me with courage.

- Name: Champion Seal
Type: Gear
Cost: 4 Light, 1 Norm
Ability: The equipped creature gains 1 strength for every creature and player you control.
Strength: n/a
HP: 6
Flavor Text: This seal shows that you have been chosen to act as a champion to the people.

Figment Cards

- Name: Doctors Memory
Type: figment
Ability: tap this card to heal one creature or player for 2 HP
Flavor Text: If I recall the doctor did this.

- Name: Bright Spot
Type: figment
Ability: tap this card to give one creature or player 1 strength in till the next end phase.
Flavor Text: It's darkest right before the dawn.

Tomorrow I'll begin on the Dark discipline cards.

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