Monday, November 24, 2014

Race and Class basics

So today I'll be going over how the races and classes work in the Versa system. Just like other tabletop games where you pick a race and class you do the same here however there are a few differences. First your "race" acts like a second class so you get features as you level from your race and your class. I find it easiest to explain as everyone has two classes that level up at the same time.

The next oddity is how I do races/classes. Each race and class (with one or two exceptions) come from race or class groups. Race/Class groups basically act as a overall descriptor of the classes in the group then the specific race/class is what precisely you are from that group. An example from the classes with the Arcanist class group.

The Arcanist class group links together classes that use arcane or magic energies and that's their primary thing. So regardless of how they use the magic they share the fact that they use magic is similar across all of them. Inside that class group it has the Archivist who pulls their spells and magic from magical tomes, the Contractor who gets their spells and magic from powerful otherworldly beings, the Geomancer who pulls their spells and magic from leylines inherent in the earth and lastly there is the Mana Font who are a nexus of magic in their own right and basically pull their magic from themselves. Each class uses their magic differently but they share the fact that they are all heavily magically inclined and therefore have some common things shared between them.

Racial groups work much the same way with the race group loosely defining the race then the specific races in the group describing distinct races that share similar traits. The race example will be Robots in this case. All robots regardless of their specific task/type share the fact that they are made of metal and need a power supply. After that though they can vary quite a bit with their specific races in that group being:  The Aids who are robots who help others out to do varying tasks kinda like a robotic butler, The Construction Bots whose primary task is building or tearing down structures, The Guard Bots whose primary function is to guard places, things or people, and Lastly the Mechas whose purpose is to be used as robotic soldiers. As you can see each race in the group is rather different from the others but they share the fact that they are still all robots regardless of their purpose in common.

I Realize already that  this post is a bit long so I'll stop here for now and I'll start covering each race and class group next post.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Shifting Gears

It's been awhile since I posted although I don't think that affected anyone as I don't think I have any viewers but I'm going to restart anyway this time I'm going to focus on a game idea I have a little more fleshed out.

This next game idea is called Versa (name not set in stone). The basic idea of the game is that I wanted it to be play sort of like D&D and other similar table top games but I wanted choice to be a big factor while playing it so even if two people were playing the same race class combo for a character they could still be wildly different.

Tomorrow I'll post the general stuff on the game and then I'll be posting more info on the game Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.